Huencho Mewlen Mewlen
To the National and International Community, we want to express the following:
After 36 days of occupation and seven days after our spokeswoman Mewlen Huencho started a hunger strike to protest the UN passive stance, the highest authorities of the UN system in Chile has taken a step towards the right path: carry out its mandate to protect the Mapuche and condemn these abuses of the human rights of our people.
Today, finally, Tom Olsen, UNICEF Representative in Chile, promised to visit the conflict zone, where he shall meet in Ercilla with our werkén and our authorities on Monday September 3 at 13:00 hrs.
This meeting place will enable the entire territory to come and give an account of the horrors that our communities are subjected to by the Chilean State and officials of the international organization may verify for themselves the harsh reality of the violations of the rights of our children, women and elderly.
As a sign of our confidence in the international word, we have decided to lay down the hunger strike and resume the interrupted dialog, maintaining occupancy, making the world a witness of the fulfillment of the promises of UNICEF and the UN system.
These days in which the hunt against our werkén Mijael Carbone Queipul signifys the persecution of our brothers and the raids on our communities, we need more than ever for the international community to actively engage to stop the abuses.
So we call for solidarity to everyone to remain vigilant and maintain actions to denounce the Chilean State and its machinery of repression against our people.
Mewlen Huencho
Werkén Mapuche Territorial Alliance
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012

The political prisoners of the community Wente Winkul Mapu of Lof Chekenco: Paulino Levipan Coyán, Daniel Levinao Montoya, Hector Ricardo Nahuelqueo Nahuelqueo, Rodrigo Montoya Melinao and their spokesman Eric Montoya Montoya.
We wish to inform the national and international public opinion that:
Today, August 29, fulfilling the third day of our hunger strike, we express our strong dissatisfaction with the unjust condemnation of our peñis(brothers) Daniel Levinao and Pauline Levipan in what we consider a discriminatory, racist and political ruling, with which the state seeks to tear down the idea of recovering our land and off our just struggle.
We as Mapuche Political Prisoners continue to resist and fight against the oppressive and inhuman capitalist system, we will fight against those who have usurped the territory and we will go to the last consequences for justice and truth for our cause thus proving our innocence.
We demand:
1. - A mistrial in the case of Paulino Levipan and Daniel Levinao.
2. - The application of Convention 169 and international agreements signed by Chile.
3. - An end to the use of protected witnesses in Mapuche cases.
4. - No more raids on Mapuche communities and an immediate end to police violence against children, women and elderly.
We want the demilitarization of Mapuche territory.
5. - Freedom for all Mapuche political prisoners and the return of the territory to our communities.
We call on all Mapuche communities, all brother Peoples, all people of conscience, on the national and international social and human rights organizations to support our just cause.
Because neither imprisonment nor death will stop our struggle for freedom and territory for our Mapuche Nation.
Long live the Mapuche people and their centuries long resistance. Marrichiweu!!!
Mapuche Political Prisoners Wente Winkul Mapu
Paulino Levipan 67,800 64,000
Rodrigo Montoya 64,100 61,100
H. Ricardo Nahuelqueo 63,400 61,200
Erick Montoya 65,400 61,700
Daniel Levinao 63,700 59,300
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Now 7 Mapuche in Chile on hunger-strike!
There are now 7 Mapuche on hunger-strike in Chile:
At UNICEF headquarters - Santiago, since August 25:
A Mother and Werkén(Spokeperson) of the Mapuche Territorial Alliance, she is occupying the UNICEF office for more than thirty days asking for a statement of this global entity about the abuses committed by the police and the state in Mapuche territory, against children, women and elders who have been beaten and wounded with buckshot in a brutal fashion, many of them being bedridden due to injuries.
For more information see:
5 Mapuche Political Prisoners - Angol prison, since August 27:
All of them belonging to the community of Wente Winkul Mapu of the Lof Chekenko, Araucanía Region. It is a hunger strike of indefinite character, started on August 27. All were accused of repeated attempted murder, and two of them were convicted in a real court of war, where there were a dozen policemen that commiserated to the court, to accuse them with lies and slander. Two boys of eighteen and nineteen, both rural students, giving them an effective penalty of 11 years and eight months.
For more information see:
For more information see:
For more information see:
Office of the ANMI based in Temuco since August 27:
Machi (Healer and spiritual authority) Pascual Catrilaf joined these protests, in full accordance with the Mapuche political prisoners in ANGOL and werkén Mewlen Wencho in the UNICEF headquarters
7) Machi Pascual Catrilaf
In order to convey your support and encouragement to the hunger-strikers, and to request information on their state of health, call or write from all countries to:UNICEF:
Mr. Thierry Lemaresquier Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Chile.
Address: Isidora Goyenechea Street # 3322, Las Condes, Santiago - Chile.
Phone: (56) (2) 422 88 00 Fax: (56) (2) 422 88 88
Or see here for contact information for other UNICEF offices:
Prison Detention Center ANGOL
Centro Detención Penitenciaria ANGOL
0056 (0)45 718072 - 0056 (0) 45 718560 Fax: 0056 (0) 45 711560
Dirección: Pedro Aguirre Cerda N° 80 IX Región
Direccion Regional de la Araucania Gendarmeria de Chile
Calle Manuel Bulnes Nº 751, Temuco 0056 45 – 646500
OIRS 045-966568 Secretaría 045- 966502 Ayudantia 045- 966570 Fax 45-966528
At UNICEF headquarters - Santiago, since August 25:
A Mother and Werkén(Spokeperson) of the Mapuche Territorial Alliance, she is occupying the UNICEF office for more than thirty days asking for a statement of this global entity about the abuses committed by the police and the state in Mapuche territory, against children, women and elders who have been beaten and wounded with buckshot in a brutal fashion, many of them being bedridden due to injuries.
For more information see:
5 Mapuche Political Prisoners - Angol prison, since August 27:
All of them belonging to the community of Wente Winkul Mapu of the Lof Chekenko, Araucanía Region. It is a hunger strike of indefinite character, started on August 27. All were accused of repeated attempted murder, and two of them were convicted in a real court of war, where there were a dozen policemen that commiserated to the court, to accuse them with lies and slander. Two boys of eighteen and nineteen, both rural students, giving them an effective penalty of 11 years and eight months.
For more information see:
For more information see:
For more information see:
Office of the ANMI based in Temuco since August 27:
Machi (Healer and spiritual authority) Pascual Catrilaf joined these protests, in full accordance with the Mapuche political prisoners in ANGOL and werkén Mewlen Wencho in the UNICEF headquarters
7) Machi Pascual Catrilaf
In order to convey your support and encouragement to the hunger-strikers, and to request information on their state of health, call or write from all countries to:UNICEF:
Mr. Thierry Lemaresquier Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Chile.
Address: Isidora Goyenechea Street # 3322, Las Condes, Santiago - Chile.
Phone: (56) (2) 422 88 00 Fax: (56) (2) 422 88 88
Or see here for contact information for other UNICEF offices:
Prison Detention Center ANGOL
Centro Detención Penitenciaria ANGOL
0056 (0)45 718072 - 0056 (0) 45 718560 Fax: 0056 (0) 45 711560
Dirección: Pedro Aguirre Cerda N° 80 IX Región
Direccion Regional de la Araucania Gendarmeria de Chile
Calle Manuel Bulnes Nº 751, Temuco 0056 45 – 646500
OIRS 045-966568 Secretaría 045- 966502 Ayudantia 045- 966570 Fax 45-966528
The Mapuche Criminal Defense requested disqualification of the prosecutor of Collipulli in case against community members June 19, 2012
The Mapuche Criminal Defense requested disqualification of the prosecutor of Collipulli in case against community members
June 19, 2012
Luis Chamorro took part in the raid on April 2nd on the community Wente Winkul Mapu in Ercilla, where the policeman, Hugo Albornoz, was shot and later died. According to lawyer Ricardo Caceres, Chamorro is a victim and investigator of the case, which would disqualify him to follow in the case against Hector Nahuelqueo and Rodrigo Montoya.
The lawyer Ricardo Cáceres Setien, of the Mapuche Criminal Defense-dependent upon the Araucanía Regional Defense, presented a request before the Public Ministry, to disqualify the prosecutor of Collipulli, Luis Díaz Chamorro.
Chamorro is the same prosecutor who, the week before last, led a raid on the Mapuche community Wente Winkul Mapu in Ercilla, where four policemen and seven community members were injured in varying degrees.
For the lawyer Caceres, who represents the accused Héctor Nahuelqueo Nahuelqueo and Rodrigo Montoya Melinao, "the prosecutor Chamorro sustains the quality of victim, which would place him as the intervener in an investigation," reason why he should be disqualified.
Cáceres explained that the facts in which Chamorro took part in that condition occurred on 2 April, when in compliance with a search warrant and seizure authorized by the judge of Collipulli, the prosecutor entered into an indigenous community and shortly thereafter , as he left the place with the police forces, the shooting began that killed a police sergeant Hugo Albornoz.
"The prosecutor Chamorro has the quality of victim of the above facts, which added to the quality of sole investigator, allowes to maintain that he has part or interest in the case," said the public defender.
He added that under Article 55 N ° 1 of the Basic Constitutional Act of the Public Ministry, this is a ground for disqualification "have the prosecutor part or interest in the case of research in which he is involved", so in this case, the application for disability is fully justified.
The Mapuche Criminal Defense requested disqualification of the prosecutor of Collipulli in case against community members
June 19, 2012
Luis Chamorro took part in the raid on April 2nd on the community Wente Winkul Mapu in Ercilla, where the policeman, Hugo Albornoz, was shot and later died. According to lawyer Ricardo Caceres, Chamorro is a victim and investigator of the case, which would disqualify him to follow in the case against Hector Nahuelqueo and Rodrigo Montoya.
The lawyer Ricardo Cáceres Setien, of the Mapuche Criminal Defense-dependent upon the Araucanía Regional Defense, presented a request before the Public Ministry, to disqualify the prosecutor of Collipulli, Luis Díaz Chamorro.
Chamorro is the same prosecutor who, the week before last, led a raid on the Mapuche community Wente Winkul Mapu in Ercilla, where four policemen and seven community members were injured in varying degrees.
For the lawyer Caceres, who represents the accused Héctor Nahuelqueo Nahuelqueo and Rodrigo Montoya Melinao, "the prosecutor Chamorro sustains the quality of victim, which would place him as the intervener in an investigation," reason why he should be disqualified.
Cáceres explained that the facts in which Chamorro took part in that condition occurred on 2 April, when in compliance with a search warrant and seizure authorized by the judge of Collipulli, the prosecutor entered into an indigenous community and shortly thereafter , as he left the place with the police forces, the shooting began that killed a police sergeant Hugo Albornoz.
"The prosecutor Chamorro has the quality of victim of the above facts, which added to the quality of sole investigator, allowes to maintain that he has part or interest in the case," said the public defender.
He added that under Article 55 N ° 1 of the Basic Constitutional Act of the Public Ministry, this is a ground for disqualification "have the prosecutor part or interest in the case of research in which he is involved", so in this case, the application for disability is fully justified.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
New police attack on Wente Winkul Mapu- June 7, 2012
New police attack on Wente Winkul Mapu- June 7, 2012
New police attack on Wente Winkul Mapu: At least 7 injured with buckshot, including children and an elderly
June 7, 2012
A violent raid was held again against the community Wente Winkul Mapu of the sector Chekenco leaving at least 7 injured, including three children and an elderly, the community Kimche(Wise Elder) Venancio Cheuke Montoya.
Both the boys, aged between 12 and 15 years, and the adult of over 78 years, were hit by shotgun pellets in their whole body, and were brought urgently to the Hospital of Collipulli and their health status is unknown at the moment.
Police special forces and the elite group of Gope for such operations have besieged the area from Pidima by the road to Chequenco. The estate Centenario is completely militarized, a base of police operations.
Also there are two prisoners, the children of the Kimche, Erik and Segundo Montoya, without knowing the reason for the attack, but it is confirmed that IT WAS CONDUCTED BY THE PROSECUTOR LUIS CHAMORRO.
Erik Montoya has at least 8 shot wounds and his face disfigured from the beating by the police, he has convulsions and will be taken to hospital in Angol, given the severity of his state.
According to official information, the prosecutor Chamorro came with his police force with an arrest warrant for Erik Montoya, one of the community members arrested and the most seriously injured, while another was also arrested and beaten for defending his Peñi(Brother).
The arrest warrant would be part of an allegation of assault by the forestry Mininco and the invasive landowner Juan de Dios Fuentes, owner of the Centenario estate.
Also from the Prosecution they talk about three militarized police with lesions caused by the legitimate defense of the villagers with sticks.
The injured are:
-Erik Montoya (shot wounds and his face disfigured by blows) who would be transferred to the Hospital of Angol given the severity of his state.
- Segundo Montoya, Montoya Venancio (78), Kimche of the community, who was shot in his legs.
-Daniel Montoya,
-Teresa Montoya (beaten)
-Álvaro Montoya, 15, who was wounded by buckshot
- Adrián Montoya, 12, who suffered blows and has a broken hand.
New raid on Wente Winkul Mapu
Three children were injured with buckshot and the Kimche of the community with a strong impact of bullets in his limbs.
Two arrested in the raid on Wente Winkul Mapu this morning.
This would be Erick and Segundo Montoya, sons of the Kimche Venancio, who at the time of arrest were severely beaten, remaining with wounds on their bodies and their faces swollen from the beatings of police officers from the militarized police.
In addition, the three children are left with pellet wounds in different parts of their body, one of them even with six pellets in his back. The Kimche has his ankle affected and is unable to stand on his own. The women of the raided houses were battered by the police.
So far, the reason for the raid and the arrests remain unknown.
New police attack on Wente Winkul Mapu: At least 7 injured with buckshot, including children and an elderly
June 7, 2012
A violent raid was held again against the community Wente Winkul Mapu of the sector Chekenco leaving at least 7 injured, including three children and an elderly, the community Kimche(Wise Elder) Venancio Cheuke Montoya.
Both the boys, aged between 12 and 15 years, and the adult of over 78 years, were hit by shotgun pellets in their whole body, and were brought urgently to the Hospital of Collipulli and their health status is unknown at the moment.
Police special forces and the elite group of Gope for such operations have besieged the area from Pidima by the road to Chequenco. The estate Centenario is completely militarized, a base of police operations.
Also there are two prisoners, the children of the Kimche, Erik and Segundo Montoya, without knowing the reason for the attack, but it is confirmed that IT WAS CONDUCTED BY THE PROSECUTOR LUIS CHAMORRO.
Erik Montoya has at least 8 shot wounds and his face disfigured from the beating by the police, he has convulsions and will be taken to hospital in Angol, given the severity of his state.
According to official information, the prosecutor Chamorro came with his police force with an arrest warrant for Erik Montoya, one of the community members arrested and the most seriously injured, while another was also arrested and beaten for defending his Peñi(Brother).
The arrest warrant would be part of an allegation of assault by the forestry Mininco and the invasive landowner Juan de Dios Fuentes, owner of the Centenario estate.
Also from the Prosecution they talk about three militarized police with lesions caused by the legitimate defense of the villagers with sticks.
The injured are:
-Erik Montoya (shot wounds and his face disfigured by blows) who would be transferred to the Hospital of Angol given the severity of his state.
- Segundo Montoya, Montoya Venancio (78), Kimche of the community, who was shot in his legs.
-Daniel Montoya,
-Teresa Montoya (beaten)
-Álvaro Montoya, 15, who was wounded by buckshot
- Adrián Montoya, 12, who suffered blows and has a broken hand.
New raid on Wente Winkul Mapu
Three children were injured with buckshot and the Kimche of the community with a strong impact of bullets in his limbs.
Two arrested in the raid on Wente Winkul Mapu this morning.
This would be Erick and Segundo Montoya, sons of the Kimche Venancio, who at the time of arrest were severely beaten, remaining with wounds on their bodies and their faces swollen from the beatings of police officers from the militarized police.
In addition, the three children are left with pellet wounds in different parts of their body, one of them even with six pellets in his back. The Kimche has his ankle affected and is unable to stand on his own. The women of the raided houses were battered by the police.
So far, the reason for the raid and the arrests remain unknown.
Friday, June 15, 2012
I was at home getting up that day when I heard a knock on the door, police entered the room beating my mom and me, aiming guns at us and throwing us face down on the floor. In the house were my mom, my little sister of 4 years, my girlfriend and me.
Then suddenly I heard that they began to shoot outside, at my grandfather, at my uncles and aunts who live next door. They dragged me out and once outside in the courtyard I was shot from the front twice, once in my leg and ribs and once in my throat.
From there several cops took me to the creek that this at the back, I was kicked while walking and I could not move forward. They kicked me so much, later they also slapped me in my face, they said: "…it’s you fucker, it’s you fucker”... I was handcuffed and did not see anyone, I did not see my mom, or my sister and my girlfriend, I only heard in the distance the cries of my mother and people. I was thrown to the ground and between 3 cops they kicked me, I felt that they hit me but I could not do anything and at one point one tried to bend my neck to straighten it up again to kick me in the face with his boot and I felt two strong kicks to the head and then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back again and I felt a kick in the face and from there I can’t remember any more.
I came to when they were talking to me about the detention control and I did not understand anything...
Friday, June 15, 2012
All I can say about the fight to my peñi(brothers), is that if we do not fight for our land we will not have what we want. Because we are not fighting out of malice or for wanting to make trouble as they call it, we fight for our land, to go forward.
What police do against the Mapuche people is an evil, it is repression that we live with since a long time and we must continue nonetheless.
Just now I found out I was charged with attempted murder of a cop. They blame us and it is not so, they shoot between themselves and frame the peñi, we are not the only ones.
I say to the people lots of newen(strength) and this fight is long, continue to go forward, although they have taken my crest, although they take our crest again, go ahead and do not be afraid for Chawnechen(God) is watching.
To my people of the community I say: do not worry about me, I'll be fine and they must go on and continue fighting. The Chilean state is not going to take us out of the fight unless they take our life.
My message is:
Not to let Temucuicui die, that has led a historic struggle. Lots of newen to the peñi and lamien(sisters) and the community of José Guiñon. Lots of newen, this fight is long and that we will not let ourselves die even though they take our crest, they lock us up, take away our freedom, we will keep fighting until we recover the land, our strength and fortitude that we have and all the communities that have supported us and who supported me.
Continue to go forward and so I tell my mother that this fight is long and that I will fight to death, to take lots of care and confront the winkas(strangers) and that I love her much.
I just turned 20, WE ARE 3 BROTHERS AND MY MOM
Friday, June 15, 2012
I was at home getting up that day when I heard a knock on the door, police entered the room beating my mom and me, aiming guns at us and throwing us face down on the floor. In the house were my mom, my little sister of 4 years, my girlfriend and me.
Then suddenly I heard that they began to shoot outside, at my grandfather, at my uncles and aunts who live next door. They dragged me out and once outside in the courtyard I was shot from the front twice, once in my leg and ribs and once in my throat.
From there several cops took me to the creek that this at the back, I was kicked while walking and I could not move forward. They kicked me so much, later they also slapped me in my face, they said: "…it’s you fucker, it’s you fucker”... I was handcuffed and did not see anyone, I did not see my mom, or my sister and my girlfriend, I only heard in the distance the cries of my mother and people. I was thrown to the ground and between 3 cops they kicked me, I felt that they hit me but I could not do anything and at one point one tried to bend my neck to straighten it up again to kick me in the face with his boot and I felt two strong kicks to the head and then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back again and I felt a kick in the face and from there I can’t remember any more.
I came to when they were talking to me about the detention control and I did not understand anything...
Friday, June 15, 2012
All I can say about the fight to my peñi(brothers), is that if we do not fight for our land we will not have what we want. Because we are not fighting out of malice or for wanting to make trouble as they call it, we fight for our land, to go forward.
What police do against the Mapuche people is an evil, it is repression that we live with since a long time and we must continue nonetheless.
Just now I found out I was charged with attempted murder of a cop. They blame us and it is not so, they shoot between themselves and frame the peñi, we are not the only ones.
I say to the people lots of newen(strength) and this fight is long, continue to go forward, although they have taken my crest, although they take our crest again, go ahead and do not be afraid for Chawnechen(God) is watching.
To my people of the community I say: do not worry about me, I'll be fine and they must go on and continue fighting. The Chilean state is not going to take us out of the fight unless they take our life.
My message is:
Not to let Temucuicui die, that has led a historic struggle. Lots of newen to the peñi and lamien(sisters) and the community of José Guiñon. Lots of newen, this fight is long and that we will not let ourselves die even though they take our crest, they lock us up, take away our freedom, we will keep fighting until we recover the land, our strength and fortitude that we have and all the communities that have supported us and who supported me.
Continue to go forward and so I tell my mother that this fight is long and that I will fight to death, to take lots of care and confront the winkas(strangers) and that I love her much.
I just turned 20, WE ARE 3 BROTHERS AND MY MOM
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Public statement to the national and international community, to our
brothers and sisters, to all solidary people, men and women, who
populate the world, we communicate the following:
Today, at 30 days of the occupation of UNICEF, a month where have seen how the United Nations system has not responded with the appropriate urgency to address the issues that they, in their mandate, propose to defend. We want to make known the indolence of this organization towards the urgencies and needs of the Mapuche people. We have been inflexible with our demands to the UN system, being aware that the state wages an unequal war at us, since they use their weapons against our children and elderly women.
We demand of the United Nations to fulfill their role to promote, protect and defend the rights of our people.
We started the occupation with revealing the intense violence in which our children live, with the passage of time we have seen how the State has given a categorical answer, unlike the United Nations, more violence, more persecution, more repression, more judicialization, more criminalization.
Today our brother Mijaél Carbone Queipul, is persecuted, they are seeking to impose a strategy of intimidation and persecution. Our people receive this signal as a clear statement of their clear intention to eliminate us.
We call on all brothers and sisters to put pressure on the organizations of the United Nations operating in their countries, by sending letters of condemnation, by acts of protest and by lobbying, the only way is to globalize the solidarity, to mainstream the protest.
Today more than ever we need everyone, we call the sister nations to show solidarity with our demands, to the organizations and associations to become part of this process, where are at risk our lives and our existence as a people.
Mewlen Huenchü - Werkén of the Mapuche Territorial Alliance
Today, at 30 days of the occupation of UNICEF, a month where have seen how the United Nations system has not responded with the appropriate urgency to address the issues that they, in their mandate, propose to defend. We want to make known the indolence of this organization towards the urgencies and needs of the Mapuche people. We have been inflexible with our demands to the UN system, being aware that the state wages an unequal war at us, since they use their weapons against our children and elderly women.
We demand of the United Nations to fulfill their role to promote, protect and defend the rights of our people.
We started the occupation with revealing the intense violence in which our children live, with the passage of time we have seen how the State has given a categorical answer, unlike the United Nations, more violence, more persecution, more repression, more judicialization, more criminalization.
Today our brother Mijaél Carbone Queipul, is persecuted, they are seeking to impose a strategy of intimidation and persecution. Our people receive this signal as a clear statement of their clear intention to eliminate us.
We start therefore with the
only action left to us as a weapon, our voice and our body, our voice
has not been listened to, our words have been ignored, our ideas have
been trampled underfoot, we have decided to deepen our protest, the
situation is untenable, the violence and persecution are intolerable.
We decided to resist, we decided to maintain the occupation and from today August 24 at 8:00 AM, Mewlen Huencho, has decided to hold a hunger strike until the international community reacts.
We decided to resist, we decided to maintain the occupation and from today August 24 at 8:00 AM, Mewlen Huencho, has decided to hold a hunger strike until the international community reacts.
We call on all brothers and sisters to put pressure on the organizations of the United Nations operating in their countries, by sending letters of condemnation, by acts of protest and by lobbying, the only way is to globalize the solidarity, to mainstream the protest.
Today more than ever we need everyone, we call the sister nations to show solidarity with our demands, to the organizations and associations to become part of this process, where are at risk our lives and our existence as a people.
Mewlen Huenchü - Werkén of the Mapuche Territorial Alliance
"Toll Quino Case", emblematic trial against Mapuche in Chile
Tremendous support for Mapuche before start of
emblematic oral trial in Angol.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Wall Mapuche Angol August 21, 2012, as scheduled, in the oral criminal court of the city of Angol, began the emblematic trial for the cause publicly known as "the toll quino assault" occurred in the city of Victoria.
Around 600 people, from different Mapuche communities from Ercilla, Tirua, Lautaro and Temuco, went to the city of Angol to participate in the march organized by the communities in resistance of Malleko, who came to back up and support the 8 brothers facing this orchestrated political trial, said the lonko of the Autonomous Community Temucuicui , Victor Queipul Huaiquil.
With the lawyers representing the Ministry of the Interior, began the opening statement, they disclosed the 40-year prison sentence they are seeking for each of the accused, stating the reason for the accusation and witnesses that will be presented, mostly special forces police and also the protected witness Raul Castro Antipan. Moreover, they also asked the court for permission to use a screen fore these witnesses to testify, was authorized by the court.
However the defense lawyers insisted on the innocence of the accused and presented evidence showing their innocence, the same that allowed the Court of Appeals of Temuco to consider granting them their freedom, after being imprisoned for long two years.
It should be noted, that the defendants participated in a lengthy hunger strike, in 2010, while in pretrial detention.
Finally, after making a Mapuche prayer the march ended in front of the Court, and the Mapuche march was declared closed.
By the Mapuche communications equipment.
40 years in prison sought by the Chilean government
for Mapuche on trial.
Wall Mapuche (Mapuche Territory), Angol Wednesday August 22, 2012
At 12 o'clock of this day is resumed, in the oral criminal court of the city of Angol, the emblematic trial that takes place against community members of the Mapuche communities Autonomous Temucuicui and Cacique José Guiñon, in the case publicly known as the assault on Quino toll plaza.
The Mapuche defendants are: José Queipul Huaiquil Victor Queipul Millanao, Camilo Tori Quiñinao, Felipe Huenchullán Cayul, Juan Huenchullán Cayul , José Millanao Millape, Jorge Marimán Loncomilla and Ernesto Cayupan Meliñán, the latter belonging to other Mapuche communities of Malleco, who are charged with the crimes of robbery, arson, damage, conspiracy, among others, incidents that allegedly occurred on October 10, 2009 in the sector of Quino and for which the Interior Ministry requested 40 years in prison for each of them.
The Traditional Authorities, together with Mapuche communities are already outside of the courthouse at the waiting to enter the courtroom to accompany its members, "here the Mapuche People are being prosecuted" noted Lonko Victor Queipul, therefore we will be with them, backing them until the end of the trial, because for the communities they are very valuable Weichafe(Warriors), he concluded.
By Mapuche communications equipment.
Video of great Mapuche march conducted in the city of Angol before start of trial
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Trial "Toll Quino Case" was accompanied with massive march and
Mapuche prayer service in Angol
address attached to see the video of the grand march Mapuche of yesterday on August 21 in the city of Angol.: VIDEO:
With a massive participation the march and Mapuche prayer service were carried out, with people from various communities who responded to the call made by the Autonomous Community Temucuicui, with the objective of accompanying the start of the emblematic trial known as "Toll Quino Case", in the city of Angol.
In this regard, the Werkén(Spokesperson) Jorge Huenchullan, recalled that during the investigation phase the Anti-Terrorism Act was applied to the defendants, with which the persecution could enforce preventive detention, which "held them for more than two years in jail "and that led them to make a lengthy hunger strike in which "they almost lost their lives demanding their freedom."
Daniel Melinao, Werkén of the community Wente Winkul Mapu, referred to the recent conviction of more than 10 years in prison that affected Daniel Levinao and Paulino Levipan, members of the community accused of attempted murder against general of police Ivan Bezmalinovic, chief of the ninth police area of Araucanía. Melinao blames the Chilean state for accusing them "without any evidence and without having committed any crime," adding that contrary to this, the policeman who murdered Jaime Mendoza Collio "enjoys impunity."
Rodrigo Curipan, Werkén of the community Rankilko, referring to the same subject, said that as Mapuche communities they feel "a deep sorrow for the impunity that means the death of Jaime Mendosa Collio and many other Mapuche who have died in the name of this legitimate cause". He added that communities are not responsible for the violence in the area, but "solely responsible, are the state and the government in power" and sentenced it will be shown that the 8 Mapuche defendants "are innocent of the acts of violence" for which they "have continuously tried to blame them".
The Werkén Luis Tori meanwhile, demanded the "immediate withdrawal of the police in Mapuche communities" also he demanded "the abandonment of the forestry's and the landowners who are over-exploiting the Mapuche territory".
The Lonko Victor Queipul meanwhile, called on those present to continue the support between communities and to have the strength to face the trials that are applied against the Mapuche.
Finally, whilst the trial inside the courthouse was conducted, outside, under a gentle rain, people pressent at the site performed a Ngellipun (supplication) in order to strengthen those who were exposed to the judicial process.
By ADKIMVN Communications
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Wall Mapuche Angol Wednesday August 22, 2012,
Around 15 hours of today, in the Oral Criminal Court of the city of Angol, ended the second day of hearings of the trial. The Ministry of Interior finished to present the evidence, each of the witnesses at all times fell into obvious contradictions.
The defense, given the fact that there was not presented any evidence of participation against any defendant, waived their evidence and witnesses on the ground that they were not necessary in the absence of evidence from the complainant.
There was requested by the court to discuss the reclassification of the facts, from attempted murder to damages, first event occurred in the Victoria Curacautín route.
The Lonko Victor Queipul, asked about these resolutions, stated that it is an embarrassment for the Ministry of Interior to be calling upon a tribunal of the republic, to make a judgment without any evidence of participation. We hope that this BIG SET-UP orchestrated by the Government and developed primarily by the prosecution, led by the anti Mapuche Prosecutor MIGUEL ANGEL VELASQUES, is permanently collapsed and our Mapuche people get absolution in this case, he concluded.
Finally, the audience for the closing argument, will resume on Friday, August 24 of the present day.
By: Mapuche communication equipment.
Wallmapuche, Angol, Friday August 24, 2012,
Once more is revealed who the real terrorists are.
In an awaited, unanimous, ruling, the courts of the city of Angol decide to acquit the 8 Mapuche community members (6 members of our community) of the so called Toll Quino case in a trial plagued with irregularities carried out by the known as anti-Mapuche prosecutor MIGUEL ANGEL VELSQUES , becoming clear that we always told the truth, therefore OUR BROTHERS are considered innocent of the charges, once again cracking the coarse judicial set-ups that are raised by the Chilean state against the Mapuche Nation, and that are holding prisoner and convicted to several of our brothers on false charges.
At the hearing, representatives of the Interior Ministry headed by Hinzpeter apologized for wasting the court's time and expressed their simple obligation to be present in this case, but without mentioning, much less apologizing, for keeping ten Mapuche community members unjustly detained for almost two years, who had to assume a lengthy hunger strike that nearly took their lives, demanding justice and dignity, for the economic, political and moral damage to the families, for the unjustified raids, for violating their homes, for assaulting with pellets to elderly, children, men and women in spectacular mass raids, for keeping occupied, militarized and besieged our Wallmapuche, for the lack of probity and legal, political and communicational ethics, being part of this show, presenting false evidence lacking any support, let alone referring the why of the brutality against our community for being Mapuche and fighting for continued existence as a People.
An excited racket is made outside of court right now, expressing the joy that at last justice is done, without forgetting that the state still keeps Mapuche imprisoned with this kind of Set-ups.
Posted by Autonomous Mapuche Temucuicui
End to set-up prepared by the Chilean state against autonomous community Temucuicui.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wall Mapuche. End to set-up, prepared by the Chilean state against the autonomous community Temucuicui.
At the end of the trial that took place in the city of Angol, the accused villagers were received outside the Court by the traditional authorities of different Mapuche communities, which arrived accompanying the villagers.
Felipe Huenchullan one defendant, member of the Autonomous Community Temucuicui, said: In this trial was clearly demonstrated the gross and orchestrated set-up that the Chilean state, run by the Public Prosecution, especially anti-Mapuche prosecutor Miguel Angel Velazquez, prepared.against our community, only for claiming our political-territorial rights which we never give up and for which we will continue fighting.
Moreover, the lawyer Jaime Madariaga also noted that it is a shame that this type of set-up is put together to imprison Mapuche people, hopefully this does not continue happening.
Finally the lonko Victor Queipul, referred to what was stated by the lawyers representatives of the Interior Ministry Rodrigo Hinzpeter in the audience, where they apologized for wasting the court's time and expressed their simple obligation to be present in this case, but without referring to or even less apologizing for keeping ten Mapuche community members unjustly detained for almost two years, who had to assume a lengthy hunger strike that nearly took their life demanding justice and dignity, for the economic, political and moral damage to the families, for unjustified raids, for violating their homes, for assaulting with pellets the elderly, children, men and women in spectacular mass raids, for keeping occupied, militarized and besieged our Wallmapuche, for the lack of probity and legal, political and communicational ethics, being part of this show presenting false evidence lacking any support let alone referring to the why of the cruelty against our community for being Mapuche and fighting for continued existence as a People, before which we will study the actions to take against the Chilean State, he concluded.
Right now with Mapuche flags waving, the absolved community members alongside those attending the trial are going to the Autonomous Mapuche community Temucuicui, where the community expects them.
By: Mapuche communication equipment.
Tremendous support for Mapuche before start of
emblematic oral trial in Angol.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Wall Mapuche Angol August 21, 2012, as scheduled, in the oral criminal court of the city of Angol, began the emblematic trial for the cause publicly known as "the toll quino assault" occurred in the city of Victoria.
Around 600 people, from different Mapuche communities from Ercilla, Tirua, Lautaro and Temuco, went to the city of Angol to participate in the march organized by the communities in resistance of Malleko, who came to back up and support the 8 brothers facing this orchestrated political trial, said the lonko of the Autonomous Community Temucuicui , Victor Queipul Huaiquil.
With the lawyers representing the Ministry of the Interior, began the opening statement, they disclosed the 40-year prison sentence they are seeking for each of the accused, stating the reason for the accusation and witnesses that will be presented, mostly special forces police and also the protected witness Raul Castro Antipan. Moreover, they also asked the court for permission to use a screen fore these witnesses to testify, was authorized by the court.
However the defense lawyers insisted on the innocence of the accused and presented evidence showing their innocence, the same that allowed the Court of Appeals of Temuco to consider granting them their freedom, after being imprisoned for long two years.
It should be noted, that the defendants participated in a lengthy hunger strike, in 2010, while in pretrial detention.
Finally, after making a Mapuche prayer the march ended in front of the Court, and the Mapuche march was declared closed.
By the Mapuche communications equipment.
40 years in prison sought by the Chilean government
for Mapuche on trial.
Wall Mapuche (Mapuche Territory), Angol Wednesday August 22, 2012
At 12 o'clock of this day is resumed, in the oral criminal court of the city of Angol, the emblematic trial that takes place against community members of the Mapuche communities Autonomous Temucuicui and Cacique José Guiñon, in the case publicly known as the assault on Quino toll plaza.
The Mapuche defendants are: José Queipul Huaiquil Victor Queipul Millanao, Camilo Tori Quiñinao, Felipe Huenchullán Cayul, Juan Huenchullán Cayul , José Millanao Millape, Jorge Marimán Loncomilla and Ernesto Cayupan Meliñán, the latter belonging to other Mapuche communities of Malleco, who are charged with the crimes of robbery, arson, damage, conspiracy, among others, incidents that allegedly occurred on October 10, 2009 in the sector of Quino and for which the Interior Ministry requested 40 years in prison for each of them.
The Traditional Authorities, together with Mapuche communities are already outside of the courthouse at the waiting to enter the courtroom to accompany its members, "here the Mapuche People are being prosecuted" noted Lonko Victor Queipul, therefore we will be with them, backing them until the end of the trial, because for the communities they are very valuable Weichafe(Warriors), he concluded.
By Mapuche communications equipment.
Video of great Mapuche march conducted in the city of Angol before start of trial
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Trial "Toll Quino Case" was accompanied with massive march and
Mapuche prayer service in Angol
address attached to see the video of the grand march Mapuche of yesterday on August 21 in the city of Angol.: VIDEO:
With a massive participation the march and Mapuche prayer service were carried out, with people from various communities who responded to the call made by the Autonomous Community Temucuicui, with the objective of accompanying the start of the emblematic trial known as "Toll Quino Case", in the city of Angol.
In this regard, the Werkén(Spokesperson) Jorge Huenchullan, recalled that during the investigation phase the Anti-Terrorism Act was applied to the defendants, with which the persecution could enforce preventive detention, which "held them for more than two years in jail "and that led them to make a lengthy hunger strike in which "they almost lost their lives demanding their freedom."
Daniel Melinao, Werkén of the community Wente Winkul Mapu, referred to the recent conviction of more than 10 years in prison that affected Daniel Levinao and Paulino Levipan, members of the community accused of attempted murder against general of police Ivan Bezmalinovic, chief of the ninth police area of Araucanía. Melinao blames the Chilean state for accusing them "without any evidence and without having committed any crime," adding that contrary to this, the policeman who murdered Jaime Mendoza Collio "enjoys impunity."
Rodrigo Curipan, Werkén of the community Rankilko, referring to the same subject, said that as Mapuche communities they feel "a deep sorrow for the impunity that means the death of Jaime Mendosa Collio and many other Mapuche who have died in the name of this legitimate cause". He added that communities are not responsible for the violence in the area, but "solely responsible, are the state and the government in power" and sentenced it will be shown that the 8 Mapuche defendants "are innocent of the acts of violence" for which they "have continuously tried to blame them".
The Werkén Luis Tori meanwhile, demanded the "immediate withdrawal of the police in Mapuche communities" also he demanded "the abandonment of the forestry's and the landowners who are over-exploiting the Mapuche territory".
The Lonko Victor Queipul meanwhile, called on those present to continue the support between communities and to have the strength to face the trials that are applied against the Mapuche.
Finally, whilst the trial inside the courthouse was conducted, outside, under a gentle rain, people pressent at the site performed a Ngellipun (supplication) in order to strengthen those who were exposed to the judicial process.
By ADKIMVN Communications
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Wall Mapuche Angol Wednesday August 22, 2012,
Around 15 hours of today, in the Oral Criminal Court of the city of Angol, ended the second day of hearings of the trial. The Ministry of Interior finished to present the evidence, each of the witnesses at all times fell into obvious contradictions.
The defense, given the fact that there was not presented any evidence of participation against any defendant, waived their evidence and witnesses on the ground that they were not necessary in the absence of evidence from the complainant.
There was requested by the court to discuss the reclassification of the facts, from attempted murder to damages, first event occurred in the Victoria Curacautín route.
The Lonko Victor Queipul, asked about these resolutions, stated that it is an embarrassment for the Ministry of Interior to be calling upon a tribunal of the republic, to make a judgment without any evidence of participation. We hope that this BIG SET-UP orchestrated by the Government and developed primarily by the prosecution, led by the anti Mapuche Prosecutor MIGUEL ANGEL VELASQUES, is permanently collapsed and our Mapuche people get absolution in this case, he concluded.
Finally, the audience for the closing argument, will resume on Friday, August 24 of the present day.
By: Mapuche communication equipment.
Wallmapuche, Angol, Friday August 24, 2012,
Once more is revealed who the real terrorists are.
In an awaited, unanimous, ruling, the courts of the city of Angol decide to acquit the 8 Mapuche community members (6 members of our community) of the so called Toll Quino case in a trial plagued with irregularities carried out by the known as anti-Mapuche prosecutor MIGUEL ANGEL VELSQUES , becoming clear that we always told the truth, therefore OUR BROTHERS are considered innocent of the charges, once again cracking the coarse judicial set-ups that are raised by the Chilean state against the Mapuche Nation, and that are holding prisoner and convicted to several of our brothers on false charges.
At the hearing, representatives of the Interior Ministry headed by Hinzpeter apologized for wasting the court's time and expressed their simple obligation to be present in this case, but without mentioning, much less apologizing, for keeping ten Mapuche community members unjustly detained for almost two years, who had to assume a lengthy hunger strike that nearly took their lives, demanding justice and dignity, for the economic, political and moral damage to the families, for the unjustified raids, for violating their homes, for assaulting with pellets to elderly, children, men and women in spectacular mass raids, for keeping occupied, militarized and besieged our Wallmapuche, for the lack of probity and legal, political and communicational ethics, being part of this show, presenting false evidence lacking any support, let alone referring the why of the brutality against our community for being Mapuche and fighting for continued existence as a People.
An excited racket is made outside of court right now, expressing the joy that at last justice is done, without forgetting that the state still keeps Mapuche imprisoned with this kind of Set-ups.
Posted by Autonomous Mapuche Temucuicui
End to set-up prepared by the Chilean state against autonomous community Temucuicui.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wall Mapuche. End to set-up, prepared by the Chilean state against the autonomous community Temucuicui.
At the end of the trial that took place in the city of Angol, the accused villagers were received outside the Court by the traditional authorities of different Mapuche communities, which arrived accompanying the villagers.
Felipe Huenchullan one defendant, member of the Autonomous Community Temucuicui, said: In this trial was clearly demonstrated the gross and orchestrated set-up that the Chilean state, run by the Public Prosecution, especially anti-Mapuche prosecutor Miguel Angel Velazquez, prepared.against our community, only for claiming our political-territorial rights which we never give up and for which we will continue fighting.
Moreover, the lawyer Jaime Madariaga also noted that it is a shame that this type of set-up is put together to imprison Mapuche people, hopefully this does not continue happening.
Finally the lonko Victor Queipul, referred to what was stated by the lawyers representatives of the Interior Ministry Rodrigo Hinzpeter in the audience, where they apologized for wasting the court's time and expressed their simple obligation to be present in this case, but without referring to or even less apologizing for keeping ten Mapuche community members unjustly detained for almost two years, who had to assume a lengthy hunger strike that nearly took their life demanding justice and dignity, for the economic, political and moral damage to the families, for unjustified raids, for violating their homes, for assaulting with pellets the elderly, children, men and women in spectacular mass raids, for keeping occupied, militarized and besieged our Wallmapuche, for the lack of probity and legal, political and communicational ethics, being part of this show presenting false evidence lacking any support let alone referring to the why of the cruelty against our community for being Mapuche and fighting for continued existence as a People, before which we will study the actions to take against the Chilean State, he concluded.
Right now with Mapuche flags waving, the absolved community members alongside those attending the trial are going to the Autonomous Mapuche community Temucuicui, where the community expects them.
By: Mapuche communication equipment.
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