Friday, October 12, 2012

Statement at 11 days of hunger strike Mapuche Political Prisoners Prison of Temuco

October 11, 2012


At 11 days of our hunger strike, undertaken by us, Mapuche political prisoners; Luis Marileo, Leonardo Quijón, Cristian Levinao, Fernando Millacheo and Guido Bahamondes, we inform the national and international public opinion, the following:

Kiñe (1): That at this stage of our strike, our health worsens, we lost about 6 kg on average each, this has caused gastric problems and skinnyness, these complicated due to previous strikes we have had to assume and long periods of clandestinity as a result of years of persecution and cruelty towards us by the State of Chile. The peñi (brother) Leonardo Quijón, continues to suffer of tachycardia and strong pain in his leg affected by the cowardly attack received by the militarized police of Chile, of over two years ago and yet still retaining more than 200 shotgun pellets in it.

Epu (2): We declare that zero interest is shown by the Chilean Gendarmes, to give us a solution to our demands, stressing that the regional director of the Prison, not until after another week will resume his duties and look at our situation. We want to point out that the obstacles for our transfer exist only on the part of the Gendarmes of Chile, since the Courts emanated our transfer order.

Küla (3): In the face of the statements of the National Director of CONADI, considering his lack of information and his ignorance of this kind of realities that we, the Mapuche, suffer, to be hunted down, raped, imprisoned and accused, through trial by antithetical and corrupt prosecutors, faceless witnesses and evident setups, Mr. Retamal, we as Mapuche political prisoners, we are willing to take on any sentence, if it is that our participation in the events of which we are accused was proven, but as we mentioned earlier, through a fair trial, without racist judges and prosecutors, without protected witnesses and when considering the evidence presented by our defense. Mr. Retamal, we have the conviction that our struggle is just and dignified, the recovery of our territory is our ancestral right, and that's why we fight, no State, no landowner, no businessman, will deprive us of this....!

Meli (4): We report our concern for our peñi (brothers) moved to Concepción, we denounce this as a strategy to break the hunger strike that they assumed. Peñi, lamgen from the prison of Temuko, we ask for your full support to the peñi, do not leave them alone,  we invite you to fight with us through various forms of denunciation and participation, in all places, at universities, in schools, in city squares, etc.. 

We appreciate your support and hope that soon there will be a solution to our demands and that the recovery and liberation of our territory is our only struggle.

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