Monday, March 11, 2013

PUBLIC STATEMENT: Mapuche Lafkenche Organizations perform productive tasks on ex Estate La Suerte, Chile

Carahue, March 7, 2013

The organizations Newen Pu Lafkenche and Pu Lafkenche, formed by Mapuche communities from the coast of Carahue and Tirúa, COMMUNICATE:

The organizations Newen Pu Lafkenche and Pu Lafkenche, formed by Mapuche communities from the coast of Carahue and Tirúa, COMMUNICATE:
That our organizations continue conducting peaceful actions in the mark of the recovery of former Estate La Suerte, property held by Forestry Mininco, one of the companies of the brothers Matte, the same ones that a few days ago appeared in the rankings of the magazine Forbes, as having one of the largest fortunes in the world.

In this process of recovery of ancestral lands, we inform you that our families have made productive use of the land with a planting of wheat and oats, whose harvest we completed the last weekend. This act has been of a significant historical and symbolic value, after decades of dispossession and humiliation, which comes to strengthen the union of our communities and autonomous search for solutions to the problems that affect us.

Regarding the FSC Forest Management Certification, which the company Mininco finally managed to get, we inform you that our organizations will maintain an active and vigilant stance, considering that these audits are renewed every six months. Given this and other instances, we will insist on the legitimate defense of our usurped rights. 

We reiterate that this reclaiming of former Estate La Suerte, of 2,000 hectares, involves 80 of our families, and is supported, among other evidence, by documents stating that these Mapuche lands can not be purchased or alienated by any means.

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